The Quaint Sanctuary: { DIY Weathered Wood -Cider & Donuts- Sign }

Sunday, August 30, 2015

{ DIY Weathered Wood -Cider & Donuts- Sign }

As you guys know I've been slowly adding fall decor throughout our house & this weekend I made the cutest little sign for our dining room!! I went with a completely different fall feel this year & needed some fresh stuff to use. You all know I like to be as real & let's be honest CHEAP as possible with decor, because I switch stuff out so frequently..Well, I needed something for a space in the dining room to go with the "theme" I'm working on & couldn't find anything that wasn't generic or just ehh..so I made something!! I pulled some scrap wood out of our pile & broke out the chalk paints & well keep reading below.. 

I had a specific mindset of what I wanted while I was making this sign..I wanted bold, rustic & weathered with only cream, black & copper/gold...{ more on that in another post later}!! I had the black & cream ,but didn't have any gold..then I remembered I had these gold decal stickers..& popped one on for some color!!  I love how the wood is super aged & weathered and chippy! It made the arrow look aged & more natural I think!!!

We had this old broken down vintage scale, so why not throw some apples on it.. Yup, they're real & so yummy!

I used a sponge brush & a half dried bristle brush for this..the wood grooves weren't the easiest to paint, but that's what makes it charming haha! So with some chalk paint & 30 minutes this sign was well worth it!!

P.S. sorryyy for the lack of pictures on this project I just don't want to give away the fall dining space just yet..I will be posting soon though!! Stick around it's the cutest in the dining room ;)! I hope you all had a great last few days of August!! I'm curious as to what you guys are doing this year for decor & when do you start decorating?? Feel free to get with me on any of my social media outlets :)!!


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