The Quaint Sanctuary: { Framed Farmhouse Tea Towel Art using Thumb Tacks!! }

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

{ Framed Farmhouse Tea Towel Art using Thumb Tacks!! }

Hey guys welcome back & happy Tuesday!!! Yesterday was a day of cleaning & enjoying some company from family we haven't seen since last February!! It was a great time & they brought some much needed donated supplies for the dog rescues we deal with. All in all a great day ..later that night I grabbed some coffee { I can sleep right after coffee..no worries } & headed downstairs to work on a little project that I cooked up in my head last weekend. If you  follow via my social media outlets then you'd know that we went out junkin last Saturday & I picked up the cutest tea towel for $13!! I had no plans for it, but the little stack of different farmhouse/cottagey towels caught my eye & for $13 for a HUGE one..I had to pick one up! On the ride home I got to thinking about framing it, but  I didn't want to have to cut wood, measure etc.. so I thought what about some simple industrial silver tacks to frame it in a glass-less wood frame? Well, after our company left I snagged a frame we had hanging outside our patio door from last summer { I know soo random haha} & surprisingly the huge tea towel fit PERFECTTTTT! I mean, it was meant to be, right?! Come check out this cute & ultra simple project that cost less then $20 TOTAL!!!

- Supplies -

. Tea towel { any size }
. Frame { any size to fit your decorative towel/ tea towel }
. Thumb Tacks
. Hammer

We purchased these tacks in white & silver from +The Home Depot  both for under $5! The tea towel was purchased from --> http://www.thebarnantiques.com/

The frame I used was around 30x24 & a free junkin find.

Stretch the towel out & center it as best as possible. I had to get crafty with this part as the frame I was using was damaged/fragile in some of the corners. I mean the less perfect the better in my book.

Secondly, pin the corners first. I used the white tacks for the corners, because I wanted the corners to be clean with less drama. Once you pin all four corners the canvas or whatever fabric you're using will be easier to work with.  I also suggest placing the tacks through the fabric then into the wood, rather than holding the fabric in place & tacking!

After all the tacks are in place in which ever pattern, spacing etc.. take the hammer & lightly tap each tack completely flat & make sure they're secure. This step might not be needed for your piece, but some of my tacks were not completely flat after pushing them with my thumb & having to space them a little different due to the vintage frame & wear it had. This really is the simplest project & can be modified to your liking etc..

I purposely photographed this side to show that I pulled & tacked the fabric a little tighter then I did the other side. I had to do this on this side of the wood frame because the wood was pulling apart. I'm sure the fabric will settle & I still love it. 

I'm  going to be hanging this in the kitchen or maybe not.. who knows, but I love it styled right here next to the wood ladder & milk sign. The creamy white mason jars are from +Marshalls  on sale a few months ago for $4 . The picnic basket is from my aunt & other stuff just gathered/thrifted over time.

I'm seriously kinda obsessed with this art. So simple/practical & on the cheap , yet adorable. P.S. I've mentioned that white cotton apron before, but it was my great gramps..love displaying it.

Cute & functional..& you all know I'll be referencing this chart hahah! 

***I forgot to mention this above, but I did NOT iron the fabric. I read the tag & it had no indication about ironing, so I went with it & the wrinkled lines completely were gone upon finishing. 

We have a lot of old vintage frames/ windows , but this old white washed authentic weathered & chippy paint frame is my favorite!!!! 

I really hope you all loved this project!! Have a great rest of the week & stay tuned for some news coming about this DIY ART  eeek!!!!! ;)


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