The Quaint Sanctuary: { The EASIEST Cottage Style Window Flower Boxes }

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

{ The EASIEST Cottage Style Window Flower Boxes }

Happy Wednesday friends!! I'm so happy you're back for another simple DIY we've added to our little suburban cottage!! So a few weeks ago I posted a picture on Instagram of some awesome rustic flower boxes from +The Home Depot !! I'll clue you in on a little secret of mine..I'm flower box CRAZY & have always wanted some for our home, so this spring I was determined to add some for a more cottagey look out front!! We've always hesitated about "hanging" some because of the way our window ledges are.. When I spotted the ones at Home Depot I thought we would have to drill & all that annoying stuff, but my husband had other ideas { Yay, THANKS HONEY }!! So upon looking at the ones we wanted we decided we could just fill them with dirt & a few stones for weight & place another piece of wood underneath the box to even out the otherwise uneven ledge! Mark cut two pieces of regular scrap wood & we were done #easy. I mean in all honesty it was much more simple than drilling into the window ledge/brick or using the metal hooks! Come see the rest below & how we did this for close to nothing in about 10 minutes!!!!

Here is the amazing selection Home Depot offered!! I for sure wanted to take one of each haha! Below are the ones we decided on. Simple, dark rustic wood..We got two different sizes for each of the front windows! 


  • Cut / place your wood the length of the box under the uneven ledge/surface
  • Line the boxes with plastic or other material depending on usage { We used faux plants }
  • Fill with dirt & stones for weight
  • Add your flowers & or greenery


I chose some traditional white hydrangeas for a fresh look with some hanging greenery from +Hobby Lobby . I got both on sale for 50%!!


We have two windows out front of our home. The picture window ledge {above} is extremely uneven so placing the wood underneath the box evened it out & allowed us to set the boxes on the ledge without drilling into the frame or brick which we don't recommend!!! 

Side Note: I chose to leave the wood natural color for some added charm & contrast especially with our bamboo shades inside! I liked the natural appeal rather than painting the added pieces white. You could do either.


I love how fresh & simple the wood, brick & white shutters look mixed together! 
** I'll be blogging the front once the landscaping is refreshed & some of our plants have blossomed etc..

This project is definitely being added to one of our most simplest DIY projects with the most impact! I can't wait to play around with them for the seasons & holidays too. This project for both boxes with the greenery cost under $100!! What do you think of this charming new curb appeal we added to the front of our home???

As always THANK YOU for stopping in on my little growing blog. I know everyone says it, but I honestly appreciate each of you for sharing my posts, commenting etc....I'm not the biggest or most popular blogger , but I am humble, real & practical ,and  hopefully helpful or inspiring in someway :). 
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