The Quaint Sanctuary: { Our 4th of July porch decor using all free junkin finds! }

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

{ Our 4th of July porch decor using all free junkin finds! }

Welcome back lovely friends!! I hope you all are having a great summer week doing what you love! Sorry about my blogging schedule being a bit off this week..I've been really tired, yet in great spirits & loving this gorgeous Michigan weather!! We've been working on a few projects, gearing up for the 4th{ more on that later} of July & just enjoying the parks & summer activities! I wanted to pop on here today & share our 4th of July porch since I don't think I've everrrr in my blogging career have decorated our little suburban cottage porch for 4th of July!!!! I mentioned in Monday's post -->Summery Cottage/Farmhouse Kitchen Inspiration that my sister & I spent all day Sunday working in the yard, tanning & decorating, and well this is what we were working on!! Almost everything in this blog post are free junkin finds with the exception of the succulent gift from my sister & some greenery/ a $5 jute rug!

I had these pots & crocks stashed in our pile in the garage & of course they were perfect for the outside area! I have used these on our 4th mantel display I think before too. They were all free finds people tossed.. The mini tan crock is vintage!

I'm going to fill you guys in on something that is a bit embarrassing..So when I started decorating this area I was searching in our garage stock pile haha & I found the first bell..then the second & finally 3rd!!! I didn't even know we had these...Truth be told though, I kind of love that I can "shop" our garage & you guys know I love old collections like this!!

Okay, onto the main focal point of this display..This hugeee - Vote Here - sign!! We've had this in the garage for literally 3 years & I always forget to use it !! This year I was determined & loveeee it! It's got so much charm & chippy-iness in the wood hence why I'm obsessed! 

The birdhouse one of us kids made when we were younger.. { we were always into crafts ha }

I really hope you guys enjoyed this festive & patriotic porch with some unusual treasures! I know we don't have a flag out, but honestly I wanted to do something a bit different..Stay tuned for some more 4th decor too ;)!

As always THANK YOU for stopping in on my little growing blog. I know everyone says it, but I honestly appreciate each of you for sharing my posts, commenting etc....I'm not the biggest or most popular blogger , but I am humble, real & practical ,and  hopefully helpful or inspiring in someway :). 
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