The Quaint Sanctuary: { Fresh Spring Blooms Around Our Suburban Cottage }

Thursday, April 27, 2017

{ Fresh Spring Blooms Around Our Suburban Cottage }

Ahhh what a refreshing spring day around our little suburban cottage today!! Perfect 70 degree weather, fresh blooms, soaking up the sun, weeding & country music blaring...my kind of day! I've been meaning to get out front & weed for a few days now & since today was such a low-key, calm & essentially super relaxing day I got outside & pulled those nasty & pesky weeds finally, got my first little sunburn &decided to snap some shots of our fresh blooms so far..I will say our flower boxes are faux greenery, but more on that later! Come take a peek around our yard at some fresh blooms etc..

These cute little flowers are thee cutest! I'm not going to lie, I have absolutely no idea what these are called or even how they got in our front garden areas...I'm thinking when we moved in 5 years ago we just threw a bunch of seeds & well these are popping up randomly now haha ..maybe?! I'd much rather have our bunches of hydrangeas pop up, but you guysss they NEVER grow on our property. It doesn't matter how much I water or don't water they parish! 

This tree is actually technically on our neighbors property line, but it's my favorite & smells soooo fresh & fragrant!

All of our flower boxes are from @homedepot & they're all filled with faux greenery from @ikea due to the birds eating the real flowers when in our boxes!

This little pine tree has special meaning to me!! My mom brought it from up north at our family cottage when we first moved to this house & it was no larger than my hand!! It's now  about 3ft tall..& just recently outgrew its pot! I'll be blogging something fun for this soon & showing it after it's re-potted! I'm pine tree obsessed,so this little guy will definitely be moving with us!

Top knot & sunning that porcelain skin of mine hehe. I think I may need a tan before my vacay haha!

This chippy bench was a gift from my dad that he brought all the way home from up north picking somewhere! I love it & I'm thinking it needs some chippy white chalk paint soon..:)

I hope you guys liked this little random spur of the moment post! It wasn't planned, it's plain, but I LOVE IT! Sometimes the simplest post are the best right?! Let me know in the comments below if you know the names of these flowers/ trees!
Happy Thursday!
As always THANK YOU for stopping in on my little growing blog. I know everyone says something like this, but I honestly appreciate each of you for sharing my posts, commenting etc....I'm not the biggest or most popular blogger, but I am humble, real & practical ,and  hopefully helpful or inspiring in someway :). 
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