The Quaint Sanctuary: { Farmhouse Dog Lounge Inspiration Board }

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

{ Farmhouse Dog Lounge Inspiration Board }

Well welcome back to the blog everyone!! I trust you all are having a lovely week & if you aren't I surely hope that changes!! Today I wanted to pop on here & share the "design" or inspiration board as I call them for our dog room/ lounge! I will be sharing why we converted this room after 5 years & giving all the details in the reveal post coming soon! Today I'm simply just sharing the board I put together about a week ago on what I wanted for this cozy,BUT super simple & functional dog space! Most of the items are super functional for our dogs  because they're super lazy hehe. They love this room, so it was about time we made it more for their needs hahah..Spoiled right?..They are two of the most deserving rescues though so it wasn't a problem doing this for them & bonus this room turned out super cute & not too "dog-ish". Come see more of the inspiration below!!

**Though I didn't use many of these items in the actual room, I did find items like it locally that I implemented into the space easily! I will list the items in the inspiration board with Direct Links for your ease below!

  • Galvanized Food Dish -HERE
  • Food Storage -HERE
  • Dog Bed- HERE
  • Letters- Hobby Lobby
  • Dog Pillow- HERE
  • Wreath-HERE
  • Cabinet- HERE

What do you guys think about this inspiration board? I know it's a bit different,but to be honest their are so many fur parents & dogs need a spot to rejuvenate too right? Haha in all honesty our two dogs love their room & use it 24/7 ..but more on that in the reveal post!!! I'm curious do you have a special spot for your fur baby ? Let me know down below!!

Happy Wednesday!!

As always THANK YOU for stopping in on my little growing blog. I know everyone says this, but I honestly appreciate each of you for sharing my posts, commenting etc....I'm not the biggest or most popular blogger, but I am humble, real & practical and  hopefully helpful or inspiring in someway :). 
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