The Quaint Sanctuary: { DIY Vintage Grow Bags }

Friday, June 19, 2015

{ DIY Vintage Grow Bags }

Woo hooo it's the weekend officially!! I promised a few days ago a super cute & easy summery DIY or even a gift idea.. Today we had some amazing { 73  & breezy } weather here in the north so I got to photograph this little DIY outside while enjoying the weather!!! I've been having some horrid back issues & today's weather was perfect relaxing  weather, even if my back was killer!!! This has to be one of my all time favorite little DIY projects, not because it was on the cheap or super simple,but because it's so useful in the summer or even spring or just faux vintagey/cottagey home decor!

I grabbed these supplies at +Michaels Stores  while they were having a huge 70% off sale. I got these  plastic lined burlap bags for $2 each , some chalk paint { now in a smaller squirt bottle }  & some tags / string!

I chalked out a rectangle first!

I then painted the rectangle with some white/cream chalk paint with a sponge brush lightly & definitely not perfect..remember we're going for the rustic wore-in vintage look! 
 After this part is finished you can add your detail { if any} & your herb/plant names..I kept it simple & used plain black for the lettering in a rustic kind of writing..haha or tried! 

As I said above these bags are lined so you could potentially use them for growing real herbs etc..For $2 I couldn't pass them up!! They make  moving house or kitchen plants around super easy , or just simple faux decor inside or outside!

I added some cute little tags with a clothespin with some instructions on that herb!

Note: This is faux greenery/instructions.

I may or may not have used some cute weeds mixed in with the faux greenery...haha cute weeds..never thought I would say that!!

I thought the bags looked adorable with our back patio decor!! I may use these outside, but right now I'm loving them inside. Once I switch out our 4th of July decor I think I'll be using these cute little buggers!

What do you think of these vintage inspired grow bags? Do you remember them?? I can honestly say I didn't even know what these were until about a week ago. I searched Pinterest to see if there were a lot made  ,but couldn't really find anything ,which I liked!!!!  I always search to make sure my DIY isn't too popular .. I like to keep things fresh & original here on TQS for you guys! I did ask my mom & she did remember them {I'll keep her age hidden } ;)!

I hope you all have a great weekend!!

Happy Father's Day to all the Fathers here on earth , above & fur Fathers!!


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