The Quaint Sanctuary: { 7 Simple Home Decor Fillers }

Monday, February 13, 2017

{ 7 Simple Home Decor Fillers }

So the one thing that I pretty much live by when I'm decorating & trying to cozy a space up is fill spaces that the eye goes directly too or that are too open! These spaces are called "filler" spots! They tend to be spots that are hard to find the correct decor for, but need a bit of coziness. Now that I'm thinking about it these items could be called "staple goods" too. They're just all around simple, but easy items to put in a space that needs help..& bonus most of these items are practical & thrifty! I put together the most basic & affordable items that I thought were the best fillers & I use the most in our suburban cottage! These items can be found just about anywhere & in tons of varieties! I thought I'd share this now because with spring right around the corner I want everything fresh, but also less cluttered etc.. These items can help do both!

F i l l e r  I t e m s:

  • Frames
  • Candles
  • Pillows
  • Baskets
  • Greenery
  • Books
  • Mirrors
E x a m p l e: 

Our upper level living room. I chose this picture because it's pretty accurate on what I'm explaining in this post & was a good example!
**Some simple frames fill the long shelves inside the cabinets with greenery both inside on the shelving & tall topiaries on top of the cabinet for height! The basket on the chippy green stool is filled with pillows & a basic white +IKEA USA  throw! The cabinet top also has some simple fresh white candles for fillers on each side!

What do you guys think about these items? Do you have basic items you always use while decorating a space? What are your favorite decor goods to use? Let me know in the comments I'd love to know!!!

Happy Monday!

As always THANK YOU for stopping in on my little growing blog. I know everyone says something like this, but I honestly appreciate each of you for sharing my posts, commenting etc....I'm not the biggest or most popular blogger, but I am humble, real & practical ,and  hopefully helpful or inspiring in someway :). 
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