The Quaint Sanctuary: { Farmhouse Living Room Wall Decor }

Thursday, August 11, 2016

{ Farmhouse Living Room Wall Decor }

Hey guys! Today was a super busy day here for me & tomorrow is going to be even busier unfortunately.. I have so much going on & can't seem to catch up on anything which is driving my little OCD/creative brain insane !!!! After I got home from being out in this 100 degree weather { praising all the outdoor workmen } I needed some down time, so I ended up finishing a little wall in our living room that has been in limbo for weeks since we moved furniture & added new pieces! I wanted something farmhouse/cottagey & not the regular "gallery wall" with pictures, arrows, names etc.. I've had many gallery wall themes in our homes & I'm just not that into them anymore! I wanted something cozy/fresh & simple. I gathered some things I had laying around with the exception of the preserved boxwood wreath from +Target  & got to work!  

So, this white { once silver } shelf is one of the hardest dang things to hang. I ended up hanging it with +3M  & it worked like a charm! This mantel has literally been all over our house and even our condo before this house! My mom picked it up at +HomeGoods  for $5!!

I had been wanting a boxwood wreath for sometime now & finally decided a few months back that I would splurge & buy one! The simple little solar lanterns are from Dollar Tree & they were perfect on the mantel & coordinated well with the DIY living room chandelier/lantern -->Simple Living Room Chandelier .

The flowers are from +Hobby Lobby !

The pillows are from an array of places.. +Marshalls , +Pottery Barn  +IKEA USA 

Something else random about me..and I'm almost sure I've mentioned this via other blog post before, but I'm not a fan of sconces..at all!! However, these authentic vintage ones I love! I think they look nice paired with the chippy vintage window frame & add that vintage cottage/farmhouse style & charm! 

Side Note: I'm still trying to find the perfect candlesticks for them. Thinking thick creamy white ones?..

I hope you guys like this cozy farmhouse decor wall in our home! It's super simple & of course thrifty! I'm excited to play around with this for the upcoming holidays & stay tuned for the wall to the left of the sofa ;) ..more on that soon!!!

Happy Thursday!
As always THANK YOU for stopping in on my little growing blog. I know everyone says something like this, but I honestly appreciate each of you for sharing my posts, commenting etc....I'm not the biggest or most popular blogger, but I am humble, real & practical ,and  hopefully helpful or inspiring in someway :). 
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